October 18, 2024

Army Launches Avalanche Rescued Course in Kashmir

An avalanche rescue training is being conducted by the Indian Army in Dawar area of Gurez to train the youth of the area on avalanche rescue techniques with state of the art equipment. 

According to a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), the camp commenced on January 03 and will culminate January 26 for 23 youth volunteers from different villages of the Gurez valley.

The statement reads that this initiative is one among the many skill development programs undertaken by the Indian Army in Gurez this Year.

“Gurez valley receives very high snowfall and becomes susceptible to avalanches posing grave danger for the civilians and Army personnel. The Indian Army becomes first responders in such eventuality and in order to augment the reaction capability and minimise the time delay in saving precious lives, a team of 5-6 highly motivated volunteers from different villages are being trained on avalanche rescue techniques with state of the art equipment available with the Army,” it reads.

It reads that the volunteers are being trained on Rope craft, negotiating snow and avalanche prone terrain, handling avalanche victim detectors, first aid to medical emergencies, survival techniques alongwith snow craft and skiing.

“Culmination of the camp is planned on Republic Day where a display of the capabilities of the volunteers will be showcased and course completion certificates will be awarded to the participants,” it reads. 

The statement reads that this initiative will also provide a source of employment for the local youth as rescue operators and trek guides apart from broadening their horizons and acting as a trained manpower to tackle any eventuality. (KNS)


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