October 25, 2024

IADN Author’s Desk Guidelines

We welcome any write-up that relates to defence, strategic and security related issues. The IADN Author’s Desk provides a forum for independent researches and analyses on national, regional and international security related issues that have policy relevance from Indian perspective.

The IADN is a leading news and analysis website with more than 4 Lakh followers across open domain. The IADN readers are well-informed, intelligent individuals with a wide range of interests and background. Therefore, the ideal IADN article should be able to spark debate among specialists and also engage and inform general reader. Articles should be driven by data and original reportage. Provide original research or reporting to support your ideas. It is always advisable to go through our previous articles to get good understanding of our style of writing.

For those interested are requested to send their articles ranging between 800-1200 words to contact@iadnews.in. Please fact check your article, embedded links for information can be great opportunity to support your argument(s).

Please do allow us two weeks to respond to you regarding your submission, do not resend your submission again once submitted. The right to accept or reject the submitted file lies with the IADN editorial team, if you do not hear us post 2 weeks about the status of your submission, take it as a gentle refusal. There is always a scope of improvement!

  1. We only accept articles in (UK English) and in a word format.
  2. Please use Times New Roman font and font size of 12.
  3. Attach your short resume (E.g. 50-100 words) with your article.
  4. Please provide us with 3-5 keywords along with your article.
  5. You are requested to send your future contributions in word format, duly incorporating the above guidelines.

NOTE: Serving members of the armed forces must submit the necessary clearance certificates in terms of the relevant rules and regulations pertaining to their respective Services.

Copyright : The copyright of all articles published under the Author’s Desk section lies with the Indian Aerospace Defence News (IADN), New Delhi. Authors may, of course, use the article elsewhere after publication but with due credits to the website. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to re-produce copyright material from other sources.

Since IADN is a not-for-profit self-sustained knowledge-building website, a free and open information and knowledge sharing platform therefore please don’t expect any sort of honorarium to be given to the authors. We are here only to inform or get informed, happy brainstorming!