China wants instability in Myanmar, and wishes to remain a major controlling player in the politics of the Southeast Asian...
#shinzoabe #Japan #japanindia #IndiaJapanAt70 #IndiaJapanFriendship #IADN
Some images when Nambi Narayanan was a young scientist, from his book. #IADN #NambiNarayanan
As per some sources DRDO Ghatak to fly by 2025. #IADN #DRDO #ghatak #UCAV Creation: Kuldeep Patel/IADN
Remembering Capt. Vikram Batra the day he sacrificed his life in the highest traditions of the Indian Army. #IADN #indianarmy...
Snippets of IADN Strategic Focus E-magazine (Jun-July 2022) Find complete issue in the download link given in the story. For...
China wants instability in Myanmar, and wishes to remain a major controlling player in the politics of the Southeast Asian...
Clearest image if SWIFT Drone so far. #SWIFT takes maiden flight. In a major step towards developing an unmanned combat...
A Ghatak Trooper⚡ Somewhere at the #LOC. #IADN #indianarmy
Sounding Rockets Sounding rockets are small, instrument-carrying research rockets designed to take measurements in space without the wait time of...