China Unvield J-35A Fighter at Zhuhai Airshow

China Unvield Another Fifth-Generation Fighter J-35A during Zhuhai airshow 2024

With the J-20 and J-35A stealth fighters, China is now the second country in the world, following the U.S. with its F-22 and F-35 to deploy two stealth fighter models.

The J-35A fighter is a mid-weight stealth combat aircraft with multiple roles, reportedly comes with carrier launch variant and potential for exports. While the J-20 of China is presently under serial production, as per open source, over 300 J-20 stealth fighters have been produced so far.

The Chinese J-35 looks similar to F-35 of U.S. but J-35 of China lacks the VTOL capability of the U.S. F-35, though it will likely benefit from the Fujian’s electromagnetic catapult system. Equipped to handle an 18,000-pound payload, the J-35’s armaments include PL-10 and PL-12 missiles, the aircraft seems equipped with EOTS, DSI air intake, and HUD display.

The FC-31/J-35 prototypes are said to employ the indigenous WS-13E which is expected to offer 22,000 pounds of thrust and the WS-13 could possibly replace WS-10 or AL-31 equipped in present fleet of Chinese fighters.


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