DRDO Working on Flying Torpedo

The DRDO has started work on developing an add-on kit for the Advanced Light Torpedo Shyena that will enable the weapon to glide through the air from altitudes as high as 20,000 feet and enable the Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol jet to attack enemy submarines from long ranges.
DRDO Glider Assisted Torpedo program is to turn advanced Light Torpedo Shyena into a glide weapon that jettisons wings and other air-control controls and activates its parachute before it’s near to hit the water. The glider kit will be able to glide for seven to 10 minutes that’s around 25-30km before entering the water and travel further 20km before hitting its intended target.
The glider adaptor kit includes a flight control computer, a GPS–INS-based navigation system, and power sources. Advanced Light Torpedo Shyena won’t be requiring any modifications for the Glide adaptor kit. DRDO might be including a data link to transmit target position updates while in flight at later stages.
Source: IDRW