Make in India Defence Robots For Indian Army

Defense robots are professional service robots that are used by the military in combat scenarios.
As India is making a lot of progress in the defense sectors, AIRA wants to contribute Advanced Defense Robot on behalf of the robotics sector, AIRA disclosed in a press release.
According to IRA Chairman Kisshhan PSV, the All India Robotics Association (AIRA), a robotics industry trade body based in Hyderabad, India, has announced the start of production of in-house built defense robots.
The robot will be officially shown on August 15 and dedicated to the country. Our goal is to develop a few of these and send them out for testing. Once proven effective, more will be manufactured to the needs of the Indian Army, he said.
Around 60% of the robots will be developed by IRA engineers and the remaining 40% will be developed collectively by other robotic startups. AIRA said it is developing the robots with input from veterans, however, it will soon receive Indian Army inputs for the project.
We will work hard and leave no option that will make India the world leader in robotics, said Srinivas Madhavam, AIRA Board and Founder of Expr.
The All India Robotics Association, AIRA, is a non-profit trade body of robotics companies, the first in the country. The aim of AIRA is to support, nurture and create business opportunities in the field of robotics in India.
Source Defence Aviation Post