MoD announces 18 major projects for development via Indian Industry

In a significant boost to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision on ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’, and in sync with the announcement in the Union Budget 2022-23 that allocated 25% of Defence R & D Budget for industry led R & D, 18 major platforms have been identified by the Ministry of Defence for industry led Design & Development under various routes. The list is as follows:
- Hypersonic Glide Vehicle
- Directed Energy Weapons (300 KW and more) [High Powered Electromagnetic Devices and High Powered Laser Devices]
- Naval Ship Borne Unmanned Aerial System (NSUAS)
- Light Weight Tank
- Self-Healing Mine Fields
- Unmanned Autonomous AI Based Land Robot
- 127 mm Naval Gun
- 127 mm Guided Projectile
- Electric Propulsion (Engines) for Ships
- Standoff Airborne Jammer
- Li-ion Cells/ Li-Sulphur Cells [Portable High Capacity Energy Systems replacing the Conventional Hydrocarbons
- Communication System (AFNET System Switches, routers, Encryptors& VOIP phones)
- Electro Optical (EO) Pod (with subsequent upgrade to EO/IR) with high resolution sensing
- ‘Plug and Play’ Housing/ Infrastructure for soldiers posted at extreme altitudes.
Under the Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020, ‘Make’ Category aims to achieve self-reliance by involving greater participation of Indian industry. Projects involving design and development of equipment, systems, major platforms or upgrades thereof by the industry can be taken up under this category. For Projects under Make-I sub-category, Ministry of Defence will provide financial support up to 70% of total cost of prototype development.
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Model
Under SPV model, private industry will be encouraged to take up design and development of military platforms and equipment in collaboration with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and other organizations. Following two platforms have been identified under this category.
15. Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) [High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE)]
16. Indian Multi Role Helicopter (IMRH)
Projects of Start-ups, MSMEs etc. involving high-end innovation would be pursued under the iDEX category and the following platform has been selected under this category.
17. Low Orbit Pseudo Satellites
Under Make-II, which is funded by industry with assured procurement, following platform has been listed.
18. Anti-jamming Systems for Multiple Platforms
Out of 18 major platforms mentioned above, following four platforms have been already accorded Approval-In-Principle (AIP) under Make-I category on 03 March 2022:
Communication System (AFNET System Switches, routers, Encryptors& VOIP phones)
EO Pod (with subsequent upgrade to EO/IR) with high resolution sensing
Standoff Airborne Jammer
Light Weight Tanks
The indigenous development of these projects will help harness the design capabilities of domestic defence industry and position India as a design leader in these technologies.