Sri Lanka – India Exercise, SLINEX Concluded

The ninth edition of the bi-lateral Naval exercise between India and Sri Lanka, SLINEX (Sri Lanka-India Exercise) concluded on 10 Mar 22. Sri Lankan Naval Ship Sayurala, an Indian built Advanced Off-shore Patrol Vessel, Indian Naval ships Jyoti, Kirch along with Dornier Aircraft, ALH MK Ill, Sea King and Chetak participated in the exercise.
The sea phase of SLINEX was held in the Bay of Bengal included Joint Boarding and Slithering operations by Special Forces of both navies, Over the Horizon Targeting drills, maiden underway replenishment of SLN ship with INS Jyoti and deck landing practices by ALH MK III on board SLN Sayurala. Exercises during Sea Phase also saw activities such as anti-Piracy drills, gun firings, seamanship evolutions, communication procedures and Search and Rescue operations. The inter-operability achieved over the years as a result of such exercises has proved to be operationally beneficial for both the navies. The present edition of the exercise has further strengthened ties between the two Maritime neighbours and helped in improving interoperability.
SLINEX was conducted from 07 to 10 Mar 22 at Visakhapatnam. The harbour phase included professional interactions between two navies on various topics, sports fixtures and formal calls as well as informal interactions.