September 8, 2024

Special Address By chargé d’affaires A.I. of Russia In India H.E. Roman N. Babushkin

H.E. Roman  N. Babushkin

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the Indian Aerospace Defence News (IADN) 11th anniversary which is a significant milestone in its journey of contributing to the development of India’s aerospace and defence potential.

Highly appreciate in this regard a significant space in the magazine dedicated to Russia-India’s ever-evolving cooperation emanating from the enduring friendship and trust, which have over the years matured into a coherent special and privileged strategic partnership remarkably immune to negative external factors.

Our success story keeps delivering for the benefit of our nations. The bilateral turnover in 2022/23 leapfrogged to over USD 44 bn making us among the leading partners in trade, energy, nuclear power, metallurgy, petrochemicals, space, modern technologies and vibrant people-to-people ties. The cooperation in the military-technical sphere and defence remains unique and unparalleled. The production of T-90 tanks, Su-30MKI fighter jets, AK-203 assault rifles as well as other armaments and components in India became an integral part of “Make in India” and “Atmanirbhar Bharat” initiatives long ago. The flagship joint venture “BrahMos” is a role model.

Russia is committed to strengthening and expanding friendly and mutually beneficial ties with India bilaterally and multilaterally for the sake of the establishment of just and equal multipolarity as well as close coordination for this purpose in the G20, BRICS, the SCO and other fora. There is no doubt that Russia-India comprehensive engagements will thrive as a consistent defining factor in world affairs stimulating an inclusive dialogue on peace and security as well as sustainable development and other core issues. Let us wish the team of the IADN every further success in proceeding to new proud milestones and reflecting the irreversible course of India’s global power posture. Jai Rus! Jai Hind!


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