Tejas MK2 1st flight in 2024 and AMCA MK2 in 2027

The next in line to indigenous fighter effort, Tejas MK2 will likely be rolled out early in 2023. Some sources talked about rollout in August during independence day. But ADA sources indicate that it would be unlikely.
Its expected the first Tejas MK2 will be rolled out by 1st quarter of 2023. Its first flight will be completed by early 2024 now. Coming on to India’s own 5th generation fighter project AMCA (Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft) Mark 1, work on its construction has already started.
Its now expected that the Mark 1 variant of AMCA MK1 will be rolled out in 2026 and its first flight will occur in 2027. IAF expects the MK1 to complete its development by 2032. And intends to order 2 squadrons of MK1 before moving onto the more advanced MK2.
Regarding Cabinet sanctions, insiders indicate that the wheels are rolling and important clearances for both these projects will happen in near future. Many sources have pointed out to some funding constraints, but the upcoming sanctions should clear those concerns.
Tejas MK2 is supposed to replace Jaguar DARIN III, Mig29UPG and Mirage 2000I fighter jets in IAF service. An initiative intent of 120 fighters is already confirmed by IAF. And total production will likely cross 200 for IAF alone.
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